Expand your Potential

Although much of my coaching is now online, the benefits of outdoor coaching are considerable. Walking and talking can be just escaping your desk and getting out into a local park for your coaching session. Or it could be walking in more remote surroundings - a local wood, or along one of the many Chamonix trails. Finding inspiration in nature brings obvious health benefits, but can also help you find creative ways to problem solve.

One benefit of outdoor coaching is that it reduces the temptation to check your phone for emails, or indeed other social media updates that you may find frustratingly addictive. This may mean you find it easier to be present, and to really focus on the issue you want to discuss. Talking about issues in a new environment can also increase diverse thinking, and help you to find a new way to approach a stubborn problem. There has been much research into the correlation between being in nature and improved wellbeing; physiological benefits for even short periods can include a decrease in the stress hormone cortisol, and a drop in both blood pressure and heart rate. There are many benefits to this way of working together, and if you would like to try this, please get in touch.

Want to give outdoor coaching a try?