Case study: Making a successful transition into a new role

Kate is a director in a sustainability consultancy business. She sought coaching to help her to cope with work overload and navigating a team restructure and potential promotion opportunity, while thinking more carefully about her longer-term career and lifestyle options and aspirations. She was also experiencing significant stress and anxiety managing what she felt to be an excessive tendency to procrastinate.

As we worked together, we identified that Kate’s tendency to diminish her own achievements was a pattern common to her work and personal life. By focusing on this and framing her achievements in a more objective, positive light, Kate increased her self-esteem and sense of agency, which allowed her to take more control of her time and set some firmer professional boundaries. She also explored different tactics to improve focus and reduce procrastinating behaviours, while improving prioritisation and delegation.

All of this helped her to position herself more confidently and effectively for the promotion opportunity, which she was ultimately successful in obtaining. Three months into the new role, she is more on top of her workload and role-modelling sustainable working practices for her new team. She is now focusing on taking a more ruthless approach to prioritisation and delegation as part of the transition from ‘doer’ to leader.